Converts a prepared transaction to a transaction with populated options.
import { prepareTransaction, toSerializableTransaction,} from "thirdweb"; const transaction = await prepareTransaction({ transaction: { to: "0x...", value: 100, },});const finalTx = await toSerializableTransaction({ transaction,}); account.sendTransaction(finalTx);
function toSerializableTransaction(): Promise< | { accessList: undefined | AccessList; authorizationList: | undefined | Array<{ address: string; chainId: number; nonce: bigint; r: bigint; s: bigint; yParity: number; }>; chainId: number; data: `0x${string}`; gas: bigint; gasPrice?: undefined; maxFeePerGas?: bigint; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint; nonce: undefined | number; to: undefined | string; type: undefined | TransactionType; value: undefined | bigint; } | { accessList: undefined | AccessList; authorizationList: | undefined | Array<{ address: string; chainId: number; nonce: bigint; r: bigint; s: bigint; yParity: number; }>; chainId: number; data: `0x${string}`; gas: bigint; gasPrice?: bigint; maxFeePerGas?: undefined; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined; nonce: undefined | number; to: undefined | string; type: undefined | TransactionType; value: undefined | bigint; }>;
The transaction and additional options for conversion
let options: {};
let returnType: Promise< | { accessList: undefined | AccessList; authorizationList: | undefined | Array<{ address: string; chainId: number; nonce: bigint; r: bigint; s: bigint; yParity: number; }>; chainId: number; data: `0x${string}`; gas: bigint; gasPrice?: undefined; maxFeePerGas?: bigint; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint; nonce: undefined | number; to: undefined | string; type: undefined | TransactionType; value: undefined | bigint; } | { accessList: undefined | AccessList; authorizationList: | undefined | Array<{ address: string; chainId: number; nonce: bigint; r: bigint; s: bigint; yParity: number; }>; chainId: number; data: `0x${string}`; gas: bigint; gasPrice?: bigint; maxFeePerGas?: undefined; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined; nonce: undefined | number; to: undefined | string; type: undefined | TransactionType; value: undefined | bigint; }>;
A serializable transaction for inspection or submission to an account.
For easier transaction sending, sendTransaction